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Design Development

The Box shape isn't conducive to noise reflection and by the time sound reaches back rows, its mostly dimished.
The slight shape change isn't wuite enough to make the auditorium better at sound reflection but the new programme improved the overall design.

The spaces around the auditorium morph as its design continues to become more extreme.

The final auditorium shape allowes for good sound reflection so that the space can be more flexible with performers being able to perform in different areas of the auditorium.

Auditorium and Rehearsal Space Roof Development
The auditorium had no natural daylighting source so to allow for the space to be lit adaquatly during the day i started to develop the roofs design

Models of the Auditorium and Rehearsal space roof development models.

Models of a revised roof design with north facing windows.
The main cafe and bar areas are supported by a steel structure that supports the roof with the longes span being 10 meters.
The auditorium roof is supported by a steel structure while the workshop space roof is a simple timber joist roof system since the span isn't that wide for these spaces.
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