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Design Idea Development

Design Idea 7

Design Idea 7 starts to incorparate aspects of the main precedents, focusing on the concert performance space it is now a wide span space with added elevated seating.

Design Idea 8
Scaled down Plan design 8_edited
Basement Floor Plan
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Scaled down Plan design 8_edited
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Previous Ground Floor Plan
Previous First Floor Plan
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Strength: Central courtyard space with easy access to all spaces. More spaces added for teh building that support its use.

Weakness: Very wide lobby space. No exterior performance space. Practice space too far from performance area. Existing pedestrian walkways removed to make room for building. Scaled down cafe space. Circulation between main public spaces broken up by the private spaces that could be better situated closer to the performance space.

Opportunity: Removing naturally elevating ground at the entrance makes the building easier to see.

Threats: No easy parking.

Strength: Central courtyard space with easy access to all spaces. Bar space on the first floor for food and drink options for adults. External cafe space on the first floor provides fresh air. Underground car parking means space can stil be used above ground for the exterior performance stage. 

Weakness: Basement hallway is very wide. Very wide lobby space. No interior performance space. Tech room should be near the performance space. Too many doors on the first floor.

Opportunity: Removing naturally elevating ground at the entrance makes the building easier to see.

Threats: Exterior music space would need cover for bad weather.

Design Idea 9

Strength:  Bar space on the first floor for food and drink options for adults. External cafe space on the first floor provides fresh air. Underground car parking means space can still be used above ground for the exterior performance stage. 

Weakness: Basement hallway has unneeded spaces since there won't be windows underground. Very wide lobby space and cafe. No interior performance space. Spaces are too large. Too many doors on the first floor. Cafe counter in the middle of the room could be situated better next to the ticket office and shop for a better circulating space. Bar should be in a more central location. Toilets are too long

Opportunity: Removing naturally elevating ground at the entrance makes the building easier to see.

Threats: Exterior music space would need cover for bad weather.

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